Friends and Family,
Well with the news that I shared last week I now have the fixed date of when I'll be home! Isn't that quite the news after so long!
But I guess I'll get to the things that everyone is interested in. This week we had our mission conference from Salt Lake and it wasn't actually as good as I thought it would be. The messages were fairly generic and it was hard because of the fact that everyone had just eaten and the worst case a drowsiness had hit everyone... That was a bummer. But it was okay in the long run. It was funny seeing the trainings of real missionaries on the screen. All of them had IPADs and I thought to myself..."Their scriptures must look just like new" I felt good that I didn't have IPad. I like the paper a lot more. More emotion to it.
We have two baptismal interviews this week. I was asked how those interviews were and I can tell you one thing. It is probably how a Bishop feels interviewing a teenager - They don't know too much but what they do know, they KNOW. It is interesting for me to see how the people are toward me during the interview. They are usually nervous because it is probably the first time they've been interviewed ever! So I have been gentle with them. Luckily enough, I have never had to refuse anyone from being baptized. That is a good thing.
I have heard very little about the people that I have taught in my other areas. They mainly move away or they just aren't interested anymore in receiving the Elders... Unfortunately... But I try and ask the missionaries who serve close as often as I can.
Transfer call doesn't come this week but next week and I am really hoping to get out of here. It is just too hot for my taste and I could use another change. The area is good and the members are nice but I wanna have two more areas at least here. So I hope that I get a new assignment.
This week we found a sister who is a member of the church already, but hasn't been attending. She is very interested in getting back active and so we are trying to help her with that. I'll let you know because we are going to visit her on Wednesday. I felt that she was longing for something in her life and I shared Doctrine and Covenants 18:10* about the worth of souls and she seemed to remember what life is like with the Gospel. I hope she felt the Spirit like we did and she'll have a desire to return to church.
Well that about sums it up this week family! I love you all and I hope that you all have a fantastic week!
Elder George
*Doctrine and Covenants 18:10 reads, "Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God;"